Operation Help Haiti at Home (O3H), will build capacity of Miami area nonprofits vital to relief efforts stemming from the Haiti earthquake and subsequent disasters. The program includes organizational assessment, supports to benefit participating organizations and the constituents they serve and evaluation. Dr. Beaulaurier serves as principal investigator and evaluator in partnership with the Human Services Coalition, a local non-profit organization with a great deal of experience as an incubator of nascent social service organizations, will provide that provides capacity building services.

The purpose of this project is to study and document the effects of a tailored array of social service supports to assist Haitian service organizations in Miami deal with organizational problems that stem from rapid changes in the their client base and increased demand for services; changes in the funding climate, especially going from “shoestring” budgets to the availability of relatively large amounts of disaster based funding; inherent difficulties due to their startup status and grass-roots status as community providers.

This study has been funded by a grant to the CRUSADA Center at FIU from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. The project is being carried out through a partnership between Dr. Beaulaurier in the FIU School of Social Work, and the Human Services Coalition.  

email: beau@fiu.edu

website: beau.fiu.edu